Wednesday 17 June 2020

Fruity cuscus 

Cuscus is a dish that can take many different ingredients and flavours, it’s great for parties 
And gatherings, summer or winter every season cuscus can be served 

Two cup of cooked cuscus 
A small apple sliced 
A bunch of raisins 
Bunch of chives 
A full table spoon of cumin 
4 table spoon of olive oil 
Salt and paper 

Fish time 

A fillet of halibut 
A bunch of cooked spinach 
Bunch of sliced leaks 
Salt and paper 
Two table spoon butter 
Two table spoon cream cheese 
Parsley for garnish 

Almond love 

This almond cake has very lovely warm flavours 

Two cup of almond powder 
Two cup of whole grain flour 
A cup of oat
5/6 table spoon brown sugar 
Two full table spoon honey 
One tea spoon saffron 

Very very summer cake 

This cake is full of lovely fresh seasonal berries 

A cup of blue berries 
A cup of raspberries 
A cup of strawberries 
Two full cup of double cream
Two sliced of sponge cake 
Two table spoon of raspberry jam

BBQ flavour 

250 g minced chicken
A bunch of fresh chives 
A table spoon of cumin 
Salt and paper 
Two table spoon bread crumbs


Few bunch of raw broccoli 
Few small cocked potatoes 
Mix salad leaves 
A tea spoon mustard sauce 
A full table spoon of olive oil 
Salt and pepper 

Morning call

Simple and easy breakfast food, great for rush days or boosting energy 

A full cup of mix oats 
Few strawberries 
Half banana 
A full cup of yogurt 

Make me strong protein shake 

A cup of frozen blueberries 
A whole banana 
Two table Spoon cottage cheese 
A cup of oats 
One full table spoon of honey
Two glass of almond milk

This shake is full of protein and very nutritious, great as breakfast or pre workout training 

Quinoa and watermelon Salad

2/3 full TB spoon cocked quinoa
A bunch of lectures salad leaves 
Few sliced cut watermelons 
A tea spoon sesame oil
A tea spoon lime juice 

Summer blessings,

Summer is all about fresh leaves and salads.
The flavours of a bit raw Ingredients.

Bunch of Rucola
Small bunch of Alfalfa 
Marinated red onion in vinegar 
A full TB spoon of Olive oil
A full TB spoon of sweet balsamic vinegar 
Dash of sea salt