Friday 26 September 2014

Liver cleanse

Olives are really the best
Source to cleans our body.
They are rich in finer and antioxidants.
Mix pack of black olives with crushed walnuts and a full table spoon
Of pomegranate paste. Let it to be marinated for few days in the fridge and
Serve it on side of any dish or as tapas food with drinks.

Supper food

Some times you come home hungry
And don’t have time to cook. Bare in mind to always
Have eggs and broccoli in the fridge, can be useful and

Two boil eggs
Few broccoli
Olive oil
Soy sauce

 Boil the eggs together with broccoli for 10 minuets.
Let it to cook and serve it on a plate with olive oil
A bit of soy sauce.

Monday 22 September 2014

Morning pleasure

I love breakfast, my favourite meal of day.
Make it fun, with a little exiting taste.

A slice of danish bread
Few slice of cheese ( any kind )
Some walnuts
A bit of pomegranate
Some olives

Beneficial green

Red cabbage is supper food.
Full of nutrition and can be used all year around.
Cut the cabbage in fine pieces mix in in a bowl with
Some raisins and a bit of salt, a full table spoon of
Olive oil and half squeeze lemon.
Serve it on top of crispy lettuce.


Carrots are great source of nutrition and can be mix
To any dishes.
Mix grated carrot in a bowl with some sugar and pepper.
Squeeze a half lemon on top and serve it with few basil leaves.


Winters can be dull and harsh.
The best way to get through it and protect your body 
From flue is to eat nutritional food.
Soups are great source all depends what you have in it though.
Chop one whol leek, few carrots and a whole salary.
Fry a whole chopped onion with few garlic in a little butter, add
Chicken with bone, add chopped vegetables and put a big glass of
Water on top cover it with the lead and let it cook on law heat 
For an hour.
After an hour let it stay 15 minuets in the pan without opening 
The lead. This process let the chicken to be tender and brings 
All the faavour of the vegetables.
Serve it on a bowl with some chopped parsley and squeeze lemon juice.

Flavour of Caspian tuscany

Whole sea bass
One red paper
2 zakoni
fresh salad leaves
1 fresh lemon
4 spoon olive oil
2 garlic
Salt & paper

Summer its great time for BBQ and grill. In many cultures BBQ is very popular during summer season and its great easy way of putting all kind of meat on a grill to get that smoky flavor.

Marinate the fish with onion and garlic and bunch of fresh parsley with pinch of salt and paper and dash of olive oil and rap it in a aliminiom foil, leave it for 30 minutes.

cut the paper in four piece and cut the zakoni into two piece, mix it in a bowl with two chopped garlic and 2 spoons olive oil and pinch of salt, rap it in a foil and place it on the BBQ for 5-7 minutes.

Place the fish with the foil in the BBQ let it cook for around 10 minutes.

Good morning life

Sometimes A good breakfast or brunch can really give us a
Great start of a day.

Two Poached eggs
2 slice of smoke salmon
2 slice of brown toast
Lemon and saferan sauce

Poached the egg and lay it on top of the salmon.
Heat a bit of butter with some tick cream,
Add a bit of saferan. Serv the dish with some lemon
On the side.

Healing soul

Lamb stew

 One  lamb shank
2 large potatoes
One aubergine
1 cup chickpeas
6 shallots
4 tomatoes
1 table spoon tomato paste
2 tb spoon olive oil
2 dried lemon
1 fresh lemon
salt & paper

heat the pan add the olive oil and the shallots and the lamb, fry it for 5 to 7 minutes add the potatoes and the aubergine with the chickpeas let it cook under law heat for 2.30, grate the tomatoes and mix it wit the paste and lemon juice and salt and peper add it over the mixture and let it cook for another 30 minutes till the lamb is tender.

Heaven is for real