Friday 9 January 2015

A 3 essential

Salmon is supper food, filled with good nutrition and a great source of protein and omega 3.

 2 Salmon fillet
1 carrot\grated
few black olives
1 avocado
1\2 tea spoon garlic powder
1\2 red chile powder
1\2 ginger powder
2 spoon of olive oil
1 spoon balsamic
Salt & pepper

Marinate the fillet with garlic powder and chili powder and the ginger with a pinch of salt for about 15-20 minutes, heat the oven for 180, place the salmon fillet and let it cook for 20-25 minutes.

In a bowl mix the carrot and the olives and the avocado dress it with olive oil and balsamic and a pich of salt, serve it with the salmon fillet.

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