Monday 12 January 2015

Pasta and salsa

Pasta is a fun food for all kind of people in every season.

I can eat pasta twice a week, I prefer sundays for pasta, if you have the right flavors it brings joy to the table and sunday blues.

200 G chicken mince

1 green pepper 

2 finely chopped tomatoes

1 full spoon of oregano 

1 onion finely chopped

1 garlic finely chopped

250 g Gnocchi pasta

Salt and pepper

cook the pasta in boiling water till soften, then drain and add into a bowl, add two table spoon of olive oil and pinch of salt.

in a frying pen fry the onion and chicken mince, then add the garlic and oregano with a pinch of salt and pepper. let it cook for 15 minutes in law heat, add the tomatoes and let it cook for 5 more minutes, take  the frying pen out of heat and add the pasta and mix it all well together, ready to serve.

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