Friday 9 January 2015

saferan Okra with basmati rice

150 g Okra, chopped 

200g chicken mince

2 tomatoes, grade 

2 cups basmati rice

2 oz butter

2 table spoon olive oil

1 onion, chopped

salt & pepper

Saferan 1/3 tea spoon

In a frying pan, add the chopped onion and okra with the olive oil, fry it for 10  minutes.
add the tomatoes and salt & pepper and let it cook over a law heat for 10  more minutes.

steam the rice in a souse pan till the water drains, crush the saferan and add one table spoon hot water in it.

pour the steam rice over the frying pan and add the butter and saferan let it cook all together for 10 minutes in a low heat.

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