Friday 9 January 2015

Potato salad with fennel sees

4 Potatoes
 4 Eggs
2 table spoon Olive oil
One lime
Salt &pepper
Fennel seed

Cook the potatoes and eggs till the potatoes are soften and eggs are hard boiled.
pill the potatoes and cut them in small pieces and place them in a bowl, cut the eggs in four pieces and mix it with the potatoes, add salt and pepper and olive oil and the fennel seed and squees the lime and mix it all together.

Pure the mixture in a bowl and serve it.

Potatoes are good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid.

egg is great healthy food that contains Vitamin B2, B12, and vitamin A and E. egg white is full of protein and the yolk contain good source of calcium and iron.

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