Thursday 15 January 2015

Okra and mince chicken

Okra is great nutritional vegetable, that contains Float, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, potassium, Iron and fiber. It helps to protect against colon cancer, it strengthen the immune system and is a maintenance of a healthy nerves system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Okra can be use in different ways for cooking, In this recipe I Use Okra with chicken Mince meat and serve it on basmati rice.

150g Okra
2 tomatoes 
One onion, finely chopped 
1/3 Tea spoon saferan
1oz butter
200g chicken mince 
Salt & pepper

Melt the butter in frying pen,Cut the okras in small pieces and fry it with the onion for 10 minutes, add the chicken mince, crush the saferan and mix it with 2 table spoon hot water and pour it over the mixture, add some salt and pepper, put the lead on and let it cook for 20 minutes in law heat.
Steam the rice for about 20 minutes till its soften, place the rice over your serving dish and add some of the okra mixture on top.

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