Thursday 15 January 2015

Okra and mince chicken

Okra is great nutritional vegetable, that contains Float, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, potassium, Iron and fiber. It helps to protect against colon cancer, it strengthen the immune system and is a maintenance of a healthy nerves system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Okra can be use in different ways for cooking, In this recipe I Use Okra with chicken Mince meat and serve it on basmati rice.

150g Okra
2 tomatoes 
One onion, finely chopped 
1/3 Tea spoon saferan
1oz butter
200g chicken mince 
Salt & pepper

Melt the butter in frying pen,Cut the okras in small pieces and fry it with the onion for 10 minutes, add the chicken mince, crush the saferan and mix it with 2 table spoon hot water and pour it over the mixture, add some salt and pepper, put the lead on and let it cook for 20 minutes in law heat.
Steam the rice for about 20 minutes till its soften, place the rice over your serving dish and add some of the okra mixture on top.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Banana omelet

1 banana

2 eggs

1 oz butter

in a frying pen Slice the banana and fry it for 5 minutes, beat the eggs in a bowl and pour it over, let it cook for 5 minutes, ready to serve.

Monday 12 January 2015

Immunity ( Chicken Soup )

Chicken Soup is great healthy food mostly for winter.

choosing the right ingredients is very important for taste and boosting your immunity for cold winter days.

A great base for the soup 

1 whole leek, finely chopped

4 carrots, finely chopped

2 stick celery, finely chopped

Two garlic, finely chopped

salt and pepper 

One whole anise, for adding flavor 

bunch of fresh coriander 

place all the vegetable together in a large saucepan add the chicken on top with some salt and pepper, add the anise and let it cook over law heat for an hour. serve it in a bowl and garnish with coriander.

Pasta and salsa

Pasta is a fun food for all kind of people in every season.

I can eat pasta twice a week, I prefer sundays for pasta, if you have the right flavors it brings joy to the table and sunday blues.

200 G chicken mince

1 green pepper 

2 finely chopped tomatoes

1 full spoon of oregano 

1 onion finely chopped

1 garlic finely chopped

250 g Gnocchi pasta

Salt and pepper

cook the pasta in boiling water till soften, then drain and add into a bowl, add two table spoon of olive oil and pinch of salt.

in a frying pen fry the onion and chicken mince, then add the garlic and oregano with a pinch of salt and pepper. let it cook for 15 minutes in law heat, add the tomatoes and let it cook for 5 more minutes, take  the frying pen out of heat and add the pasta and mix it all well together, ready to serve.

Pasta mix

250 G Mince meet
1 small green paper/chopped
1 small onion/chopped
2 table spoon olive oil
1 tea spoon oregano
One table spoon tomato paste
salt and pepper

heat the olive oil in a frying pan add the chopped onion and green paper, fry it for about 5 to 7 minute
Add tomato paste and oregano season it with salt and pepper. this pasta mix can be served on any pasta type.


Mash salad

Sometimes when I am supper hungry and have not got much time to cook I buy grill chicken and make it with few fresh ingredient.

Grilled Chicken
bunch of Coriander/chopped
2 Carrots/chopped
2 table spoon Olive oil
A cup of yogurt
Salt and pepper

Mash the chicken with carrots and coriander add the olive oil and season it with salt and pepper.
On serving add some of the yogurt as a sauce and serve on a piece of bread.

Chicken soup

Half of chicken with bone
One whole leek 
2 carrots 
One Onion
One spring onion
Salt and pepper

Cook the chicken with the carrot and leek and onion over a medium heat for about 40 minute till the vegetables are soften, add salt and pepper pure it over into blending, blend it for 2 or  times.
serve it in a bowl with some chopped leek on top.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Figs and nabat

Safferan raisin and orange peel cake

50 g Butter
200 g whole grain flour
Four full spoons of honey
One orange peel
100 g raisin 
One cup milk
A tea spoon saferan 
Two eggs

Warm up the milk in a pen just about to steam take it out and  add the butter and the honey and the saferan.

In a bowl pour the flour and the orange peel and raisin mix it well together with a fork, beat the eggs well for 10 minute and add it to the mixture, add the milk and mix it all together in a blender for about 10 minute.
Heat the  oven for 180, put some butter under your baking tray and pure the mixture inside the tray and let it cook for 40 minutes.

Friday 9 January 2015

Potato salad with fennel sees

4 Potatoes
 4 Eggs
2 table spoon Olive oil
One lime
Salt &pepper
Fennel seed

Cook the potatoes and eggs till the potatoes are soften and eggs are hard boiled.
pill the potatoes and cut them in small pieces and place them in a bowl, cut the eggs in four pieces and mix it with the potatoes, add salt and pepper and olive oil and the fennel seed and squees the lime and mix it all together.

Pure the mixture in a bowl and serve it.

Potatoes are good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid.

egg is great healthy food that contains Vitamin B2, B12, and vitamin A and E. egg white is full of protein and the yolk contain good source of calcium and iron.

Crispy bacon with chicken and pear

chicken leg
A slice of bacon
Sweet paper
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Fennel seed

Fry the pear and the sweet paper and the shallot with a bit of butter and put the lid on and let it to cook for 10 minutes in low heat.

After 10 minutes take the lid away and add the chicken leg and slat and pepper then add the fennel seed, let it cook for half an hour.

In a frying pan crisp the bacon and let it on the side. 

Take the chicken leg and raped the crisp bacon around it and place it over the cooked pear and poor the sweet papers and shallot on the side. 

Wake up call

Two eggs
One fresh fig
1/3 Pomegrantate 
few slice of cucumber
Four black olives
One tomato
A slice of whole grain bread
Bunch of fresh mint

Starting a good day needs a good energy source and few fresh elements to lift your spirit to prepare you for a great energetic day. 
Mint is great flavor for mornings as it opens up all your senses and blockage.
Fig is very soft and pleasant in its texture and flavor and its very digestive good to cleanse your body.
Olives are great source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Tomatoes are full of Vitamin C and great source of antioxidant that prevents our heart and bone health.
cucumbers are good source of Vitamin C and beta carotene and manganese.
whole grain bread is full of protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidant and trace minerals such as (iron, zinc, coper and magnesium).
When you start your day with good pleasant colorful and nutritional dish, it helps you to focus more throughout the day. 
Mornings can be fun with a good healthy food and once you start preparing its good to lighten up your meal with some colors and a bit of garnish.

Morning pleasure

 Three slice of Goat cheese 
half of Green paprika
few olives
few walnuts walnut
1\3 of pomegranate 
two slice of grain bread
bunch of mint

Goat cheese is great source of protein and minerals, easy to digest and law in callories and very low in lactose.
walnuts are great full of antioxidant and very good for healthy brain.


One Tomato
few Walnut
1/3 Pomegranate 
One fig

Sweet plum meatballs

Meatballs are great food, in most cultures they have their own meat ball recipe. 
lam or chicken Mince meet
sweet plum 
tomato paste 
salt & pepper

steam the rice for 15 minutes with a cup of water, place the rice in a bowl together with onion and garlic, Mix the rice and add the meat and salt and pepper.
Mix it all well together for 10 minutes until you get a nice dow type that you can make into small balls.

pure two cup of water on a pen and let it steam add two full spoon of tomato paste and let it on the heat for 10 minutes add the meat balls and the sweet plum, let it cook on law heat for 30 minutes.

saferan Okra with basmati rice

150 g Okra, chopped 

200g chicken mince

2 tomatoes, grade 

2 cups basmati rice

2 oz butter

2 table spoon olive oil

1 onion, chopped

salt & pepper

Saferan 1/3 tea spoon

In a frying pan, add the chopped onion and okra with the olive oil, fry it for 10  minutes.
add the tomatoes and salt & pepper and let it cook over a law heat for 10  more minutes.

steam the rice in a souse pan till the water drains, crush the saferan and add one table spoon hot water in it.

pour the steam rice over the frying pan and add the butter and saferan let it cook all together for 10 minutes in a low heat.

salmon Coriander seed rice with garlic pickle

2 salmon fillet

 2 cup basmati rice

2 oz butter

few garlic pickle 

Salt & pepper

1/3 tea spoon garlic powder 

Serving for two

steam the rice till the water is drained, place the oven for 180 c.

Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper and garlic powder, place it on a oven try and let it cook for 20 minutes.

Place the rice in a big bowl and mix it with some salt and coriander seed, then serve it with the salmon and garnish it with few pickled garlic for serving.

Lady finger


V C garden

Love life

Healing flavors of Persian golf

4 slice of fish filet ( Halibut, cod, snapper or any fish of your choice )

3 bunch of coriander, finely chopped

One bulb garlic/chopped

One onion/chopped

2 table spoons all purpose floor

2 table spoons tamarind paste

Turmeric, salt & pepper

2 oz Butter

Mix the onion and the garlic into the frying pan add some butter and stir fry on medium heat for 7 minutes.
Add the floor and turmeric and some salt and pepper, mix it with the coriander add to the onion mixture, add 2 table spoons tamarind paste and pour 2 or 3 cups of water.
Put the lid on and let it cook over law heat for 30 minutes.
Clean the fish and remove the pin bones, sprinkle some salt and paper on both sides of the fish slices then add them into the sauce, again cover the pan, slow simmer over low heat for around 45 minutes.

Taste of Shiraz, salad shirazi

Salads are very popular in Persian culture, Persians eats salad with most meals.

2 cucumber, chopped

2 tomatoes, chopped

One onion, chopped

1/2 Lemon juice

Salt & pepper

Dry mint

Mix the cucumber and onion and tomatoes in a bowl and add the lemon juice, season it with salt and paper and a little of dry mint.

Persian garden

In Persian culture herbs are very important, Persians eat different type of herbs with each meal.

Fresh mint

Fresh spring onion

Fresh small radish

Fresh basil

Feta cheese

Persian golf, Shrimp and saferan rice

4 cups of basmati rice

200 g Shrimp

4 tomatoes, blended

One lemon

1/3 tea spoon saferan

Salt & pepper

2 oz butter

Steam the rice for 20 minutes till soften, Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the shrimps and stir fry it for 10 minutes, squeeze the lemon juice and pour over the shrimps with salt and pepper.
Crush the saferan and pour a table spoon hot water over it, blend the tomatoes in a blender and add it to the mixture with the saferan put the lead on and let it cook for 5 minutes, take it out from heat and add the rice and mix it well together.

good morning view


Nutrition boost

2 cups basmati rice

Few walnuts

4 dates

One onion

2 spoon full fat yogurt

1 oz butter

salt & pepper

1\2 tea spoon cinnamon

Steam the rice for 20 minutes till soften, melt the butter in a frying pen and add the onion and date, stir fry them for 7 minutes add the rice and the salt and paper and the cinnamon, mix it together wit a spoon take it out from the heat and serve it with the yogurt and the walnut.


Rice is great energy source food that contain good vitamins, Its also good source of
Selenium and very good source of Manganese.

Rice can be mixed and made in many different type, Here in this recipe I am making jasmine herb rice.

2 cup rice

A bunch of coriander


Steam the rice till soften, finely chop the coriander and add with pinch of salt.


Pasta is supper food and very good energy source that can be made in different taste and dishes.

200 g pasta

bunch of tarragon

2 table spoon cream

1 oz butter

few slice of red chili


In a pan add water and some salt and let it boil and cook the pasta till is soften, drain add the cream and the fresh chili and the butter, mix it well all together and serve it on a plate garnish it wit tarragon.

Summer memories

Tacos are fun and easy to make.

250g Mince meat, lam or beef

2 tomatoes

One onion

1 tea spoon cumin

1 table spoon tomato paste

Cup of water

Salt and pepper

Place the mince mint in a bowl, chop the onion and tomatoes finely and add it to the meat.
Add the cumin and season it with salt and pepper.

pour the mixture to a pan and stir fry for 15 minutes add the tomato past and a cup of water and let it cook for 10 minutes.


Sea food is great nutritional food and can be made into tasty different dishes.

200 g Prawns

200 g shrimps

200g seashell

Salt and pepper

2 garlic

One lemon

2 table spoon olive oil

1/2 tea spoon turmeric

Parsley for garnish

In a frying pen heat up the olive oil, fry the paper with garlic add the shrimps and the prawns and the seashells fry it for 10 minutes, squeeze the lemon over and add the turmeric, season it with salt and pepper let it cook for 10 more minutes.

Serve it with touch of parsley

Taste of Persia

500 Gr lamb mince

2 cups rice

1/2 cup wild berries

1 big Onion/grated

1 garlic clove

Bunch of parsley\ finely chopped

1\2 Oz butter

Salt & pepper

Steam the rice for 20 minutes, In a bowl Mix the lamb with grated onion and steamed rice and chopped parsley with pinch of salt and paper add the berries and mix it well together.

Shape the mixture to balls and fry it a bit with a little butter on law heat.
Add two cup of water and a full spoon of tomato paste and a pinch of salt and the garlic and let it cook for 30 minutes on law heat till the water is reduced and you have a nice tick sauce.


Herbs have been having healing effect on the body since the ancient times.
In Eastern cultures herbs are often used in cooking.
Herbs are great in flavor and tastes and can really make a different in cooking.

Parsley, Vitamin A, B, C, Calcium, Iron, Essential Oil, good for blood and circulation that prevent anaemia.

Mint, Helps digestive system, Colic, Colitis, intestinal parasties, irritable bowl syndrome, nausea and help morning sickness.

Coriander, helps abdominal pain, dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion and irritable bowl syndrome.

A great mix herb omelett  with aromatic flavors

2 bunch of Coriander

2 bunch of Parsley

one bunch of mint

2 garlic

6 eggs

Olive oil

Salt & pepper

Put all the herbs with the garlic on the blender and blend it, pour the herbs in a bowl and add the eggs and a pinch of salt and pepper and mix it well with a fork.

Heat up the olive oil in a deep frying pan, pour the mixture and let it cook for 10 minutes on each side.

Serve it with tomatoes and cucumber pikle

Autumn BBQ

Lamb is a healthy meat, a very good food to boost your energy and strengthen the body.
A very good source of Vitamin B6, Manganese, and very good source of Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper and Selenium.

500 G Lamb

2 Apples

One onion

Rosemary powder

Salt & pepper

Finely chop the onion and Marinate the lamb with rosemary and pinch of salt for an hour or 2.

cut the lam into small pieces, cut the apple into small pieces and put it on skews for BBQ.

chickpeas dip

A can of chickpeas
Lemon juice
Olive oil
A full table spoon of tahini

Put the chickpeas in blender and blend it well while blending add the olive oil with lemon
Juice and salt be lend it all together, at last add the tahini and mix it well.
You can serve it as dipping or tapas or simply make a sandwich.



Beetroot spaghetti,

A half a pack of spaghetti
Two garlic finally chopped
500 gram of beef mince
Half a beetroot

Bring some water to boil in pan add some salt and a bit of oil and half beetroot.
Pure over the spaghetti and let it boil for 10/12 min
Fry garlic with some olive oil add the mince meet and pinch of salt and paper .
Put the spaghetti in a plate and add the meet mixture on top.

vitamin A

Cabbage is rich in Vitamin A,B,C,K and Potassium, sulphur and copper.

A great food for immune system and contains good amount of antioxidants.

1/2 Red cabbage 
2 Carrots
a cup of raisin 
2 table spoon olive oil
1/2 Lemon squeeze 

Grade the cabbage together with the carrots in a bowl  add the raisins and the olive oil pour the lemon

juice on top mix it well before serving.

Heart benefit

 1 whole Avocado
  a bunch lettuce
 4-5 fillet of anchovies
 One fig
 1 spoon pomegranate paste for  dressing
 Olive oil
 1 lemon
few Walnuts
Salt & pepper

wash the lettuce and drain the water, cut the avocado in pieces, cut the fig in four pieces place the lettuce in a plate with the avocado and the fig and the anchovies and garnish it with the walnuts.


In a small bowl Squeeze the lemon and the olive oil and the pomegranate paste mix it well with a pinch of salt, pure it over the salad.

A 3 essential

Salmon is supper food, filled with good nutrition and a great source of protein and omega 3.

 2 Salmon fillet
1 carrot\grated
few black olives
1 avocado
1\2 tea spoon garlic powder
1\2 red chile powder
1\2 ginger powder
2 spoon of olive oil
1 spoon balsamic
Salt & pepper

Marinate the fillet with garlic powder and chili powder and the ginger with a pinch of salt for about 15-20 minutes, heat the oven for 180, place the salmon fillet and let it cook for 20-25 minutes.

In a bowl mix the carrot and the olives and the avocado dress it with olive oil and balsamic and a pich of salt, serve it with the salmon fillet.